We told him that if we have a girl he can claim her as his niece

You know those sayings... god I can’t think of it.. how your best friends are actually your soul mates? Soul mates aren’t always romantic. That kind of thing. I think my SO’s best friend is his soul mate, and because they’re so close and I’ve been with him so long that his best friend and his best friends wife and child feel like family.

His wife was never supposed to ever get pregnant because she had and beat cervical cancer but it caused her to be infertile. Bam one day she’s pregnant, I guess there was an egg the radiation didn’t defeat and the doctors don’t even know how this was possible but it was, and he is awesome. so now they have a miracle 5 year old son.

His best friend has wanted a daughter all his life and he was just telling us one night “I love my son and I wouldn’t trade him for the world but I’ve always dreamed of having a daughter. I would do anything for a daughter. And it’s more than likely that our son was a one time thing and she will never get pregnant again.” -they’ve never used protection the entire time they’ve been together which is almost 10 years.

So I said “if we ever have a girl, you and (his wife’s name) can totally have her for the weekends and stuff and can totally claim her as your niece. Your wife would LOVE that. She’s already bought the kid unisex onesies. We will call you aunt and uncle and everything regardless if we have boys or girls. But if it is a girl you totally have the freedom to get your baby girl time in. Just call and ask, I’m sure we’d as new parents enjoy the time to ourselves anyways.”

I said all of that to be lighthearted and he started tearing up y’all! HE WAS ABOUT TO CRY! It was a touching moment. After he cleared his throat and wiped his tears he said thank you.

And yes I was thinking god father too but my mom wants to be god mother? So I don’t know how that would work. Aunt and uncle is simpler lol

Someone said they saw this on reddit? I’m pretty sure you didn’t because this is my post. If you saw one similar you can share it here but I didn’t steal someone else’s post off reddit. This is my story.