how do i love myself?

hiiii i just wanted to come on here and vent to y’all about how sad i’ve been feeling about myself. i really struggle soooo hard to love my body. and i wanna know if yall could give me some tips or advice on how to feel confident about my body plss ... it’s really hard for me to wear bikinis or crop tops because i care too much about what others think of me. i just wanna be comfortable in my own body and embrace my rolls, stretch marks, etc.🥺 i’ve tried so hard to love myself for who i am but it is soooo damn hard. like there’s times where i feel like i’m getting to that point of loving myself but then it takes such a hard turn and i start feeling shitty again. my mom says hurtful things to me like “you’re gaining weight” or “you’re getting a belly” or “i used to weigh less than you in high school” or “i was skinnier than you when i was your age” or “you should’ve put on makeup” and those things that she says really do hurt me on the inside and they really do ruin my self esteem soo so much. and then my boyfriend. idk why but i feel like he doesn’t love my body.. just by little things he says but he always reassured me that he loves my body whenever i ask him sooo idk.. /: i just feel like he’s ashamed to be w me bc of how i look. (but i think i think that bc i don’t even love myself anyways so why should he) like the other day we were going to a pool party and i was thinking of wearing a bikini but my bf told me “so wear some trunks” like what? and i told him how that made me feel and he assured me that it wasn’t bc of my body. because i was thinking he was telling me that so i could cover myself up. i just feel like he should encourage to get out of my comfort zone bc HE KNOWS that i struggle so much w loving myself and being confident. anywaaayyysss omg i’m so sorry if you read all the way to here.. i didn’t mean to rant that much but yeah. any tips or advice would be gladly appreciated, thank you!