
Does your man give you reassurance when you need it? My man isn’t the greatest when it comes to reassurance and I think it’s mostly due to that’s just how he is and I don’t think that’s part of his love language. Reassurance is something I really try not to need but it seems like the few times I’ve brought it up to him he gets frustrated as to why I think it’s important. I’ve had very bad relationships in the past, he did as well, so I get anxious (and almost always after about a year in, I really don’t know why and I feel like that’s not normal? Like who gets random anxiety a year in?) His love language seems to be more of the always touching me (like if we’re out he has his arm around me or his hand on my thigh, if we’re sleeping at night even if he turns to his side to sleep comfortably he’ll make sure his leg or butt is touching me somehow lol) but he’s not very big on the words which is something I need but also try not to need. Idk am I weird?

I am 23 and my boyfriend will be 31 this month, we’ve been together a little over a year and he drops subtle hints about us having a future together and he has said before that he sees a bright future with us and he’s never felt that way with anyone else before (that was a few months ago). We haven’t discussed a future in full but that’s not something either of us really feel the need to rush and more so feel it’s best to talk about when the time feels right. We ALWAYS spend his days off together either doing stuff together or with friends and family and he always includes me in plans, even with his friends which I always found to be very thoughtful of him. I thought I’d provide a little more context about us for better judgement.

I’m not sure if given the age gap and maturity levels if that comes with the difference in opinion about reassurance or how the ways in which it’s shown? I assume he tries to provide reassurance within his actions rather than words, he’s not big on social media and isn’t a huge fan of texting and with his profession he likes to keep his life private to keep himself and his loved ones safe.

Maybe I’m just overthinking and dealing with past damage still? I’m an anxious person so maybe that’s it? A girl just doesn’t know and I feel crazy. 😩