Supporting A Loved One in a Toxic Marriage?


Hi ladies! My sister is my best friend, my soul person, and my favourite human. Despite being the strongest, smartest, most bad ass woman I know, she seems to be stuck in this cycle of a VERY unhealthy marriage of separating and getting back together- over and over. This man makes my blood boil, and my heart breaks for my sister. She has a perfect vision of a happy family in mind, but this guy just doesn’t have the capacity to be that.. but she keeps holding on. Because her and I are so close, I feel like I’m stuck on this roller coaster with her. I feel exhausted. I feel like I’ve poured so much of my time, and my own mental health into helping her on her feet... now to only learn that they’re reconciling... again. I love her, and I want to support her but do not support the marriage. Has anyone else been through something similar? What are some strong boundaries for me to set that protect my own mental health? while also making sure it doesn’t damage our relationship because I worry so many people will get fed up that she will simply “be quiet” when issues do arise, or that everyone who supports her will back off and she will be isolated in this toxic marriage. I feel depleted, sad, and angry. I know this is in no way about me, it’s about HER. Her feelings are the important ones and I can’t imagine what she feels like on this rollercoaster. But it’s hard as a loved one too 😔