Plus Size & pcos Ladies

Hi girls,

I'm wondering, for those of you that were successful in ttc, what was your first trimester like? Did you have implantation bleeding? Was it only light spotting for two days, or something longer?

PCOS is such a head trip. DH and I have been ttc for seven years now. Every cycle I convince myself all my abnormal symptoms are signs of pregnancy. I did read that Venus Williams experienced bleeding in her early pregnancy... So... Maybe my weirdly pink and light period wasn't a period at all? Spotting did last 5 days though. The color stayed light pink or brown the entire time which is very weird for me. I experienced the worst bloating of my life, no cramps though... trade-off? Also I had insane acne for the first time in my life!! I never even got pimples when I was a teenager. But this cycle, I was waking up to three new pimples a day!!

What the heck is going on??