Ectopic pregnancy

Looking for advice from someone who has been there or has known someone to go through an ectopic pregnancy. My sweet dear friend just had emergency surgery yesterday and lost a tube and her baby 💔 she has three kids and has suffered a chemical pregnancy in the past, and I know I was one of the few she had confided in that she was pregnant again. I want to be there for her the best I can and am really struggling on what to say, and I’m getting the feeling she isn’t ready to talk about it and I totally understand that. Is there anything as a gift I could get her or any book recommendations or anything that comes to mind more than flowers? I offered to watch her boys and reached out with my love and prayers I just feel so heartbroken for her I want to do more. I’m currently 6 months pregnant and nervous about that being hard for her too. Any advice is appreciated 💗