What's going on?


-October 27th and 29th 2020-positive pregnancy test

Lots of tests and ultrasounds in between

-December 18th- started spotting

-December 22-heavy bleeding, cramping and passing tissues and clots.


doctor did not want to do d&c. I went to the doctor so many times. Hospital as well. One day I had a gush of blood soak through my clothes but nothing was done. Finally in MARCH after continuously bleeding all these months, she put me on depo.

-March 4th- depo shot

-March 8?- stopped bleeding. Got a "period" about a week later.

Have had periods almost every month. Very irregular.

-August- period starts.

Should last about 7 days but I am still bleeding at day 13 with it getting heavier and has clots. Is this because the depo or miscarriage?

Should I see a new doctor and tell her everything? Only had 1 depo shot done. Doctor said I could start trying again in June so I have been doing that. I really wanted to get pregnant again but now I am worried that something is wrong. 😕