Idk what to do at this point

My fiancé is constantly blaming me for any and everything that happens with our 2 year old son. Here’s an example.... I’m lying in our bed, I turned off all the lights in our house trying to get my son to come to bed while my fiancé is on the couch watching tv. My son climbs out of bed to go in the living room with his dad because he sees a light obviously. My son climbs on the arm of our couch (that my fiancé is sitting on) and he falls and bumps his head. My fiancé is yelled “I told you not to climb on the couch” and brings our son to the bedroom. He then tells me I should have kept him in bed and needed to watch him better. ?????? I’m really annoyed. I’m tired and I’m pregnant. He’s constantly finding something to blame me for. He recently told me that he blames me for the death of our dog. I just feel hopeless right now and I have no one to turn to.

Should I have gotten up to get my son, even though I knew his father was awake in the living room?