Is this a husband / guy thing?

He has an odd relationship with his family. He doesn’t call or message them. We have a group chat that he only ever occasionally responds too, I feel quite awkward as the outsider. When they call him every 2 weeks, he’s quite short with them and doesn’t give them any updates or talk about what’s been going on in our lives (we have an 18 month old). They always ask him for pictures but he has sent none at all. If I didn’t send a monthly bulk load of pictures (hubby knows I do this) they’d get none at all. They live 3 hours away from us. They don’t make any effort with me in terms of contact. I do feel like they don’t like me - it’s clear they don’t see me as part of their family with how they are with me. Perhaps that’s why he’s not making any effort with them? I just find their relationship so odd when we both speak to my own family a few times a week....

Ps. He doesn’t talk about it with me