i don’t even know what to title this other than i’m so sorry

hello. before anyone says it, yes i’m in therapy. yes i’ll be telling my therapist all of this in our next session.

i don’t know where to begin, so I guess i’ll start with where the lying began. i met this guy after i got out of a toxic marriage.

ok wait let’s back up now. the marriage was toxic because of me. i had a lot of growing up to do, and have done a little, but in very incredibly monstrous wrong ways. i’ve become more manipulative.

but anyways, so i get out of this toxic marriage that’s my fault mostly (i mean, he cheated, but i can recognize i made him feel the need to). i meet this guy and i’m like “let’s just be fwb” so i’m thinking i’m just going to have a few good nights with this guy and that’ll be it. so i start lying. then the lies start getting dark. why? i don’t know, honestly.

i think it has something to do with my need for attention. i grew up with a father where i didn’t know what was expected of me, but SOMETHING was. does that make sense? but i’m 23 now and it’s not about him. i know right from wrong and it’s not his fault now. it’s mine.

so one day i tell him i was kidnapped for a week by a guy i met on an anon app and impregnated, and lost the baby at 36 weeks because it was too weak. i also told him that my parents sent me to a rehab center down south in my state because i didn’t want to be home.

little did i know i’d marry this guy and live my best life with him, with this lie eating at me every single day.

the truth is i did meet a guy on an anon app and was sexually assaulted, but he let me go after. i didn’t get pregnant. please before you judge too much i knew this was wrong then too and let me personally say I’m sorry if you’ve gone through losing a child at any stage of pregnancy and i used your story for attention. i’m so, terribly, massively sorry. i realize how terrible this is and i just, have a lot of demons to work through. additionally, if you’ve been kidnapped i am just as sorry. this is not ok for anyone to do. it was wrong and i know there is nothing i can do to make it up to all of the warriors out there who have personally endured this. but you need to know i wish i could.

so i end up continuing with this guy and i tried to get pregnant a month into us dating and i got an evap line on a pregnancy test. so i told him i was pregnant. when naturally i got my period i told him i lost it. again if you’ve suffered through a miscarriage i am so sorry for using your story.

i hate to admit this but it needs to be done... i’ve done this two other times through out our relationship. the most recent one being this last week.

i want to come clean. it’s time. how do i go about this? do i just blurt it out? do i start off with an explanation?

i know he is going to leave, and i understand why. i don’t deserve to be loved until i get my shit right and that’s ok. i understand what i’ve done is actually unforgivable, but i hope to somehow redeem myself in coming clean instead of forever keeping it a secret.