Passing tissues during early pregnancy


Warning: Long Post!

I’m roughly 5 weeks into my 2nd pregnancy. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning on Thursday and saw spotting and my pee turned light pink from the blood. I wiped myself and saw pink streaks so I told my husband about it and put my feet up and went back to bed. I realized an hour later that I should’ve worn a pad/liner so I could monitor what was happening until I got a response from my OB-GYN. When I went back to the toilet more red blood came out. We decided to go to the hospital later that morning to get checked. I’d need to return for a repeat ultrasound to see if there’s any progress next week.

When I got home the blood is now brown, and not bleeding or spotting as heavily. Barely spotting at all, actually, but have noticed some tissues passing and they look like the ones younpass during your period and there’s not a lot. My bleeding/spotting has since stopped, but I’m still on medication and bed rest until my next ultrasound next week.

Has anyone been in the same situation and have had a successful pregnancy? Really need prayers and good vibes as I am worried, but would appreciate hearing any of your stories too.