Stole money

Anybody else sometimes wonder if they deserve the good things that has happened to them? I do. My husband and I have been blessed financially. It hasn’t always been this way. Our car was repossessed back in 2016, we’ve had our gas and lights cut off before, and we were even homeless. We had to live with my grandparents for two years. Well this year has been different for us. My husband got a promotion, and we moved into a wonderful townhouse, with great schools, and I just got offer a full time position at an elementary school with awesome benefits. Our salary has more than doubled. I’m so thankful. I think God every day.

But I often wonder if I deserve this.


When I was 14 or 15 (can’t remember) I stole $10 from someone. I’m 29 now btw. I was doing a fundraiser for my school and I could only get one person to sign up. They were supposed to have candy delivered. Well, instead of turning in that money, l used it to pay for my ticket at our school dance. My mom wouldn’t give me the money. My plan was to take the $10 back to the lady. I tried, but I couldn’t remember which house was hers. I gave up, didn’t try hard enough. I was a teen then, so I didn’t think much of it. Now, I’m literally disgusted with myself. Idk what made me think that was ok. I feel so guilty. I wish more than anything I could return the $10. I’m having a hard time forgiving myself. I often wonder if karma came back to haunt me because someone stole $60 from my daughter’s piggy bank when we we’re staying with my grandparents. There were always people in and out of the house. However, I still can’t stand what I did. I don’t know how to move on, and/or forgive myself. I was 1000000% wrong. I’ve felt this way for a very long time now. Since I was about 20.

I just don’t know what to do.