Anterior Placenta- 2nd Csection

Courtney • Mommy of Chase 👦🏼 3.31.17 and Cole 👶🏼 12.23.20 🥰

Hi! I was just wondering if anyone has experienced an anterior placenta with their second pregnancy that is to be a scheduled csection?

I am 20.5 weeks and I went to MFM for my baby boys anatomy scan last week. They confirmed I have an anterior placenta and checked location in comparison to my csection scar tissue internally. They said “okay great it isn’t connected right now”

So of course that put me on alert. “What if it does connect to the scar tissue??” Doctor:”well, it won’t disconnect and we’d have to do a hysterectomy” (!!!!)

I was just wondering if anyone has had experience with this... I go see MY ob tomorrow and plan to ask him a ton of questions but just wanted to see if that was information anyone else has been given or experienced themselves.

Thank you in advance!!