Advice on loss


I got pregnant back in November... I was due August 24. She had some sort of syndrome though that caused me to have excess fluid. They had to do an emergency amino reduction taking out more than 2 1/2 liters of fluid that didn’t belong. I had so much fluid that even though I had the reduction my cervix gave way and I had her at 25 weeks on may 13. It was a roller coaster for almost 4 weeks straight but after everything with her syndrome, coming out too early, brain bleeds, lung problems, an omphalocele, and a foot that lost circulation we got introduced with another problem which they called NEC. Apparently her intestines were dying..we decided by at this point we should let her go rather than suffer any longer. As we were saying goodbye her intestines ruptured having me watch poop come though a whole in her stomach. She was still alive a couple more hours after that, getting to meet and get kisses from her two older brothers and her grandparents. I gave her bath dressed her for the first time. Than finally we had to say goodbye. Had the grandparents take our sons out the room so they wouldn’t have to witness me and their dad break down. We told them to stop all the medicine and then finally told them to stop the breathing machine and take the tube out. She barely lasted 5 minutes as soon as that happened. She was my only daughter and the most beautiful thing I have ever imagined. I’m lucky I got the time that I had with her. But I will forever miss her. ♥️ I just want some advice on how to deal with this. She passed on June 9.