Plan B

Hi.. Please here me out. I have a 1 year old and was on the mini pill but it was causing extreme and erratic bleeding so I had to come off it.

This month the prediction said I would ovulate on 13th. Since stopping the mini pill my body seemed to go back to normal.. that week my CM was like egg white indicating ovulation.

On August 10th I had sex with a condom that’s broke. On the morning of the 11th I took Plan B.. CM was like egg whites. Ovulation was meant to be on the 13th..

Today I have a very bad headache, which was the first symptom I have with my other pregnancy.

I am TERRIFIED that I am pregnant. I want another child but I cannot have another baby right now so if I’m pregnant I will have to have a termination.

I don’t have anyone I can talk to.

What do you think the chances are? How soon can I take a test?
