
My bf and I have been together for 3 years. I love to go out and do fun adventures but I guess he is a home body and he doesn’t have a lot of friends that go out either like I do. COVID has obviously made it hard to plan things to do together but I still think it’s doable to do safe dates and activities. However he doesn’t plan anything for us to do. I’m always the one doing the planning and I’m annoyed with it. Tbh even before COVID he was like that. I see tons of guys planning and going out of their way for their gf. I spoke to him about it today and it ended in a fight. He claims he is scared to plan things because he hasn’t really done it before and also my ideas are always better. He of course brought up the fact that COVID has made it difficult and in his 23-24 years has never felt the need to plan things.... so I guess he never felt the need to plan things for me either. He says that’s not what he meant but I heard him loud and clear. I feel like that’s just an excuse because like I said there are some ideas to do that are low risk. In conclusion I just feel that he doesn’t want to do it for me which is ultimately unfair and I feel like there are guys that would do this no problem.