Child support not being paid due to Covid-19

Hello everyone!!! Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this and give insight if you can.

Ok so my Ex-husband and I have a child together, my son is a teenager.

Ever since December 2019 he completely stopped sending me child support( we set the amount before finalizing the divorce) so the amount is in the court documents. I asked him a few times but he never answered so in March I asked him ag again and he sent m.j e one payment but ever since then he says he wont pay the amount for the previous months and that any judge will allow him not to pay because he was effected by Covid-19 and now he just wants me to forget about the back pay and just let him continue paying his monthly amount from now on.. I feel like this isn't right like we all had difficulty from Covid-19 but I still had to pay all my Bill's and he didnt even try to talk something out he just expects me to forgot about all the money he owes and just start new.. Like if he would have talked to me and tried to compromise on an amount to be fair but he hasnt.. So do you think I'm wrong for expecting him to pay his part even if its payments to me or should I just be understanding and let it pass.. idk he tells me I'm selfish for not understanding his situation but even if hes not paying I still have to pay for Bill's ans rent and all of my child's needs so it feels to me that he is unfair and selfish.. What does everyone think about this? Thank you so much!!