Am I over reacting?

I’m married for 3 years and I’m that time I’ve never gotten a girls night out, ever. My husband has never had a guys night out. We’ve always just been idk busy? I had a friend who invited me to one when I was pregnant with my son and my husband made me turn it down. We have a 1 year old now and I’m 17 weeks pregnant. I was a stay at hole mom but landed a job in assisted living so I’ve been doing that. Today hubby texted me asking if he could go with his boss and some of their co workers out on the lake fishing for 6 hours. I said no, that I’d rather not have him leave that long. We have no WiFi, cable, and only 3 kids dvds. So nothing to do at home. I’d just made a pot roast before I left work and kept that on so it’d be ready when we get home. I come home about 4:00 and he comes home about 6:30. So I didn’t want to sit there alone with no one and I’d made dinner for tonight. We got into an argument that he deserves to go because he works and all I did was sit on my ass (Apparently that’s being a stay at home mom? 😒) so we kept arguing to the point I told him It’s not fair that I wasn’t able to go out for a girls night I always have our son and never can do anything alone and don’t feel it’s fair if he gets to go out and I don’t. Well it got to the point I told him if he goes I’m ending this marriage. He hasn’t come home. So I’m guessing he chose that. I’m just really pissed that I’m stuck at home 24/7 and now the only time I get is work which is very stressful at times. And he never lets me go have a girls night but he can have a guys night 😭 Am I over reacting about threatening our marriage. I’m 22 he’s 25 and I’ve been so unhappy because we’re always fighting