Sleep getting worse


Over the past few weeks my LO has been fighting sleep so now she only falls asleep at the breast. She’s also rolling and we’re going through the swaddle transition but with her arms free she doesn’t fall asleep at the breast or if she does, she wakes right away so we can’t get her into her crib. This process has to be repeated every time she wakes, which is more often now since she’s rolling. I feel that it’s wrong to give her the breast every time because she will end up getting more milk to put her to sleep when she should be eating during her awake time. My husband thinks we should keep doing the feed to sleep until she gets used to her arms free but I think we should start sleep training because as long as she expects to fall asleep at the breast she will expect it every time. Even if we sleep train I will still feed her twice per night, just not every time she wakes up. What do you think?