Tubes tied!!! UPDATE!!!

I made a post a week ago about me getting my tubes tied 9 months ago. For the last 9 months I have been getting 2 periods a month, this month I didn’t get one but I didn’t think anything of it cause I read you can go without a period when you get your tubes tied.

This is gonna sound weird but I woke up one night out of a nightmare; I was pregnant AGAIN!! I freaked out and ran to the bathroom because I felt and looked 9 months; I took a test a few days after and it was neg so I tossed it and let it go. Yesterday I smelt something and it made me gag, I started getting cramps, my nipples got sore and one day I went to the bathroom and I had clear CM with blood in it so I was like “ok my period is coming”.

Fast forward no period, but today after I ate panda I got Nauseous and the last time I got nauseous was the day I found out I was pregnant with my last so I went to take a test and it is POSITIVE!!!! It is very very light but it is there🥺. I got my tubes tied for a reason... I’m freaking out, my doctor told me I had 0% chance of getting pregnant. I didn’t tell my SO yet because I want a clear positive before, so in few days I’ll take another too see.

Edit: yes I am 100% sure it is a positive, I have 3 kids my youngest being 9 months. It’s definitely a positive.