
I have a question for women who haven’t had a pregnancy yet. I just got diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia and was wondering if anyone else had it? What I find weird with my cycle which my ob said has nothing to do with progesterone is I start getting positives a few days after being on my progesterone pills. Here is pictures of my tests (2 different brands) and my past 3 cycles because I started my period basically (which she said my abnormal bleeding is do to the hyperprolactinemia) my prolactin levels is at a pregnant women levels. Normal is 4.8-23.3 mine is at 36.7 I don’t produce milk but my boob hurt all the time and grow!

July cycle length 29 days

July into August cycle length 15 days (yes actual period had clots and all)

Current cycle (still considered 4th cycle because last cycle was to short and didnt even have any progesterone in it)