What do I do??


Hi everyone so I have no one to rant to & I need advice..

My boyfriend and I have known each other for awhile, but we’ve only been dating 3 months.. I’ve met most of his family here. ( Most of them are in Kentucky) A couple weeks ago, I took him to visit his cousin and brother before they moved away also. I hung out with my sister while he visited and I went back to pick him up and he starts saying I try keeping him away from his family and all this and that. (At this point i’m beyond confused because I take him to see his granny at least every week.) Well I go back to drop my sister off, then I called his aunt and guess what she tells me? HE ISNT THERE!! She told me he went on a walk so I looked for him and didn’t see him anywhere. By this point I’m freaking out! I then go to his brothers and ask if they’ve seen him. We rode around for awhile and he finally calls and tells them he was with his step brother at the store the whole time. (So his aunt LIED to me told me he went walking and had me worried sick!!) I’ve had a gut feeling they were putting crap in his head, but he swore they weren’t. Well we got into an argument today and he tells me his aunt WAS talking about me and saying she doesn’t like me. I asked him to tell her to stop talking about me behind my back but he refuses to! Then his ex adds me on Facebook and I see he’s friends with her!! I confronted him about it and he said they’re just “friends”, but I made him block her because they’ve never been “just friends” before today!! What do y’all think? I don’t know what to believe at this point.😕