Pregnancy test to rule out issues?

Heather • 42 and finally pregnant with baby #1, Comer, GA

Alright, I need opinions. I NEVER take a pregnancy test, as I’d rather wait until I miss my period in order to save money. As far as I know, I have never conceived, and I am super regular with my periods. That being said, I haven’t tested in a while.

I’m curious, do you think it would be beneficial to test every month just to see if I ever have a chemical? I’m trying to determine if I’m ever making it ANYWHERE with TTC.

So, do any of you take a test for that reason (to rule out chemicals) or do you only take a rest when you think you might be pregnant?

Also, and I hope this doesn’t come across as rude, I’m definitely not looking for suggestions on how to get pregnant. I’ve done all the things and all the tests, and I think more information at this point in my journey would be overwhelming. 🥴 I’m creating a grant proposal for an <a href="">IVF</a>, but it would be the end of the road if I didn’t receive funding.

Currently 13-14 DPO, and I had a positive OPK on Monday, August 10th. I’m 41. Here’s a picture of my face so that I don’t get lost in the matrix. 😂