Can’t Stop thinking about him


Looking for some advice.

Recently I reconnected with my old college friend who I considered a best friend. He was almost my boyfriend but I wasn’t ready for a relationship at the time. This was 5-6 years ago. We remained great friends until he suddenly stopped talking to me when he got a girlfriend a few years ago. I understood. But recently I had a dream about him so I looked him up and found out he and his gf then fiancée broke up. Now I cannot stop thinking about him and the amazing connection we had back then. So I decided to reach out and we have been talking but it’s very platonic which is fine. We live 1000 miles apart. Anyways, I dream about him almost every night. I literally cannot stop thinking about him. I just want to be talking to him every second of the day. And I also think back to when we kinda loosely dated and regret how I stopped it so soon.

Now that he is single, should I tell him how I have been feeling? Or let it go? I don’t even know what I’ve really been feeling tbh. I just haven’t had an amazing connection with any other guy like I did with him. Through the years I always thought he was my soulmate that I let go and the feelings are stronger than ever recently.

What would you do?