The TTC Struggle


Y'all... I am 27 years old. I've wanted a baby for YEARS! Finally, my husband and I decided this was the year we would try.

I never ever thought I could experience the gut wrenching heart ache every single month that passes.

So my question for you guys is; do you often wonder if things would have been easier if you would have tried earlier in life?

Now before you jump all over me, I know I'm still young. I.Know.That. But I also have anxiety and anxiety likes to tell me things like, "You missed your chance!" and "You waited too long!"

I dont know... I guess I'm just looking for reassurance because I'm 2ish days away from ovulation and I want this to be the cycle so badly! I don't want my stress and worry to prevent it but I'm not exactly sure how to turn it off.