Arguing with boyfriend over trying to be safe during covid?


So ima first time mom to a 3 month old. It makes me mad that I feel like I’m only one taking covid serious. So my boyfriend family be planning family time going out like going to the park And the beach and they want me , my boyfriend and my baby go but I tell them no because of corona there’s hella people going to beach and park and they say well we will go little far from them but they don’t understand that it doesn’t matter we are still gonna be in same area as a lot of people . And my boyfriend got mad because I said we ain’t going I’m not risking it. And he got mad because he wants have fun because we do nothing but stay home while his family go places and have fun and because I always say no to going anywhere that isn’t Essential. I told him if he wants go then fine go but me and baby stay but he’s like no cause I want us go as family. I get it but it’s not safe. I can careless to have fun. As long as my baby is safe .

And now he mad at me because he want me work with him because we need the money and I understand that but it’s not safe for me go back work cause of baby one of us have stay home to make sure we don’t bring a higher risk of corona to baby. He says it will be fine because his older sister who is pregnant can watch my baby. But I told him no because she be going lot places like its nothing. She be dinning in restaurants and going to beach and mall etc. I don’t trust them taking care my baby if they ain’t gonna go get tested. He says “I’m over reacting it” and I keep telling him This is our baby, I will do whatever it takes to protect him. I don’t want see my baby in hospital in pain being sick all because my bf wants me work with him or because he wants us to go with his family to have fun. Like I’m being a good mother doing what I can protect my son. How is that over reacting? I know we need the money but I don’t want other people watching our baby who go out and not quarantine . Also his sisters be comming our house even tho they be going out sometimes dining in and going beach and his parents who we live with be partying with their friends. They say it’s just few friends. But it doesn’t matter they don’t know if their friends got corona. I don’t even hang with mine ever since the covid hit . Cause I don’t know if they got it. It makes me so pissed that they don’t understand everytime they go out and come home to us they are bringing it to us. I get so stressed out . If I were to tell them about it they all will take it offensive and get angry. Like I wish they would understand how series covid is. Like I have a BABY!! I even cry sometimes because I’m so scared. I hide in my room as much as I can with baby when his sisters be comming cause im afraid them holding him all time. And if I tell em go get tested they gonna trip about it. What should I do? I’m so sick and tired of arguing with him every day about me trying be safe for our son.