School counselor started a rumor about my kid. Should I go to the board?

This week was the start of school again and In our state you could attend in person. Daughter just turned 15 about 5 months ago and she bought herself a car to practice in. I helped match whatever she contributed. She makes money from brand deals on social media and has a part time job. She pays for her phone, insurance, saving for future, etc etc. if she wants something expensive she gets it but I pay for basic stuff. She actually paid to have her bathroom remodeled during the summer. I have access to her account to make sure her balance is never over drawn. Ok

Right when she got to school things were going good and one of the guys there asked if I bought her a car (she drove her car to school and I was passenger. My car was getting an oil change and was going to Uber from her school) she said no she bought it. Idk how the counselor got involved but she was called into the office later and questioned about it. Whose car is that, did I gift it to her, who paid for it, how does she get her money, etc etc. The counselor asked if she sold drugs. About 30 minutes after leaving the office her teachers kept treating her weird per class period and students started saying she was a drug dealer. She told the counselor that she makes money from brand deals and has a job. About 6 hours after the office thing. I get a call from my daughter crying saying she should’ve just done online school and how there’s now a rumor about her that even the teachers seem to be apart of it. And kids are playing her videos and making fun of her insta posts and the teachers were allowing it. There was talk of they should egg and tp her car

I had to call the school to personally talk to the counselor, no one from that school reached out to me. What the counselor told me was how my daughter is hiding money, lied about how she got her money, and did an evaluation of her and concluded that she sells drugs and is probably on it. I told her that in fact she does make money from 2 jobs and I over see her entire account. So no infact she doesn’t sell drugs. We’re now looking into online school so she can finish at least this semester in peace and focus on work. I’m just so mad as the office door was closed and somehow this rumor was spreading. Do I go to the school board?

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