
So I’m a sah mom and my bf works 12 hours. The days vary but usually 3-4 days a week. I’m a new mom and although we live with my parents they don’t help me at all. I have to basically bribe my mom to watch and as soon as she starts crying my dad hands her back to me. My bf and I are fighting a lot because when he gets home from work that’s usually when I think I’m gonna be able to get a break because I’ve been home all day taking care of the baby which is fine but him coming home is usually my break. When he gets home I’ll usually let him go eat dinner and change his clothes but then after he goes right to video games. Am I wrong for getting mad? Is it wrong to just want him to take her, feed her, change her WITHOUT me telling him to. Or telling him I need a break? I don’t think he understands how hard it is to be a stay at home mom or a stay at home parent in general.. I know he works 12 hours a day which is hard but my job is also hard. I’m also dealing with postpartum depression.. any kind advice is greatly appreciated. I know it could just be me and it could be a lot harder than this but I’m not alone so I shouldn’t feel alone. My bf says things like oh well you wanted this. Nothing bothers me more than that. Also because I’m home all day, I know what works for her so I’ll give him tips if she’s crying so she can learn to be comforted by someone else that’s not me. And he gets mad like I’m talking to him like he’s dumb but I’m just trying to help. If he has her, and needs something like a bottle as soon as he asks even sometimes before he asks I have it ready. Say I need something I have to ask him 5+ times because he’s playing video games. There are times I’ve asked enough I’ll just annoyed and do it myself but that’s when I give him attitude.