7 month old baby should be getting..


So i feel like i am a bad mom here, my sister inlaw says that i should stop giving my baby formula since he is too big for milk now. She told me i should prepare him meals by now and juts fèd him solid foods or atleast squish some food with the fork and just make him eat it even if he cries his heart out . She told me that she did this will all her 3 children and its more healthy than " these formulas which are not healthy and we dont know what they put inside them" (in her terms).

I told her that my son still isnt a fan of eating . He just sometimes tastes things . Especially fruits but doesnt eat a full meal of normal foods. And he usually spits if i make him eat it forcefully. She told me that she used to hold his arms and her mom would stiff the food while her children cried. And she would continue even if they spitted. God it felt so crazy for me. I dont want to be that kind of mom . And i trust my baby that he will eat when he feels ready.

She keeps on making comments about how my baby doesn eat and that i should be putting more effort into it.

Please help me am i wrong ?

I use golden goat formula which is kinda on the healthier side. And i dont think formulas are not good.

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