Ranting lol

Amanda • Mama to a sweet baby boy 💙 Baby girl on the way 💘

37 weeks pregnant and up until today have been feeling pretty great. No signs of labor of any kinds just Braxton Hicks for the pst 6 or 7 weeks and totally manageable. Dr wouldn’t check me at my appt this week because “nothing is happening with your body.”

Well, talk about jinxing me. Had cramps last night that woke me up out of my sleep but nothing consistent. Just enough to keep me awake and have a terrible nights sleep. Woke up this morning extremely exhausted, like my whole body was just shot and fatigued. No more real cramps or anything just pressure from bubs being so low. Which he has been the whole time. Did what I needed to do around the house and went to work. Came home and same thing. Still exhausted, bounced on my ball and had my raspberry tea.

Come to lay down in bed and cue the heart burn 😒 took tums and finally started to fall asleep but apparently my son is up and ready to go because he’s beating me up from the inside and won’t stop moving.

So now I’m just up and annoyed and tired and hoping I can get some what sleep tonight lol