Guys Only Want Sex

I’m so over this. My bf and I of almost 3 years broke up almost a month ago. Yes I am heartbroken and didn’t want it but I am trying my best to move on and that includes talking to new guys. I’m 18. So all the guys I talk to are my age to like 22 ish. I hate it. I miss being in my relationship. It felt safe and comfortable. All the guys I talk to I just feel like they don’t want anything serious. It’s all about sending pics or just “hanging out” which means sex. I’m not the type of girl to have sex with any guy or have a million bfs. My ex is the only guy I’ve been with and I was happy with that. I’m a relationship type of girl I’m looking for that one guy that’ll turn out to be my forever guy. I don’t want to waste my time on boys that want pussy. Yes I’m young but I was hoping my ex would be the one but I was wrong. Even my ex was all about sex stuff when we first met, they all are! I can’t stand it. IS THERE ANY DECENT MEN ANYMORE!?