When did you suspect your child may have autism?


My sons had sensory issues since he was born,he was diagnosed with growth restriction at 28 weeks and was born at 37 weeks only measuring 32 weeks. Hes very picky about foods, certain textures being on his hands, he wants absolutely nothing to do with anyone touching or putting water on his head. He used to be completely terrified of the bathtub but now he loves water until you try to wash his hair anyways. Hes extremely stubborn about potty training. Weve been working on it for a year and a half now and he REFUSES to poop on the potty. He will pee all day on it though. Hes VERY intelligent, he uses words and phrases that kids his age dont. Like the word predicament, or dilemma, he calls cars motor vehicles instead of cars, and he uses these words correctly. His father and i dont use those words in regular conversation, so we arent sure why he does. His father has mild aspergers syndrome that doesnt really affect him. My son also gets very worked up VERY fast. Hes nearly four and the smallest things send him into a fit of rage amd throwing himself on the ground screaming no matter how we try to remedy it, nothing works. He is very loving, especially with his baby sister, but sometimes he gets set off just by her wandering around. (Shes one, she toddles around aimlessly) He acts like shes going to do something to him even if shes wandering around on the other side of the room. He will start screaming that shes trying to get him. The next minute he will be fine. Im not sure where normal 4 year old behavior stops and behavioral issues start really, just that as he gets older and smarter the sensory issues and things arent going away. Im not sure at what point i need to make his doctor refer us to someone who can diagnose him with something we can get him help with, or if this is just normal for a near three year old.