Hurricane Laura

Ellen • Married to the love of my life 💞 Baby boy born 9/30/20 💙 Baby girl due 2/2022 💗

Unfortunately, the town my husband, our families and I live in was directly in Hurricane Laura’s path. We evacuated and are safe. Our home has minimal damage thankfully, though some of our family was not so lucky. My husband drove back home yesterday to check on things but I literally have no idea when I’ll see him next. He’s a shift worker for the plants (not the one with a chemical leak/fire 🙃) and he isn’t sure when they will call him to report back. I’m almost 5 weeks away from my due date and I just want my husband with me. I lost it yesterday before he left crying in his arms.

I thankfully have my mom with me and we have tons of family in the area. One of our family members offered us their house that they aren’t using...we are very blessed. But I also probably won’t be going home anytime soon due to no power or water for almost 3-4 weeks; that’s not livable. Work hasn’t said anything about reporting back either but I cannot go home to no power, water and no hospital (ours are not accepting new patients).

I’m so scared to give birth in a hospital I don’t know or have a doctor I don’t know and doesn’t know me deliver my baby. And then I’m worried that my husband will miss the birth of our first child. I’m trying not to cry or stress, and especially not stress out my body bc I do not want to have this baby early 😅

Please keep us in Louisiana/Texas in your thoughts, especially the mamas who are ready to deliver or ones who may have to deliver in a place that’s unfamiliar or the ones who have babies in the nicu and have no idea where their babies are being transported to/not knowing when they will see their babies again.