


Anyone's august kid still in a crib?

He does fine in there, doesn't ever try to climb out. Sleeps well. I like the idea that I don't have to worry about him walking around the house or possibly getting outside.

Do I need to transfer him soon? He is getting older. I have been wondering if it is still appropriate?

Thanks guys!

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Posted at
My girls never had a crib, they went from bassinet to our bed and now they are both in their own room. My August girl has a full size bed on a frame with a long bed safety rail to keep her from falling out. My 17 month old is on a twin floor bed Montessori style. If you guys are all happy with your arrangement, I don't see anything wrong with it though.


Lu • Aug 29, 2020
I never realized how many people don't use cribs! 😆 What made you forgo the whole crib thing? And did you kids ever try to leave their rooms?


Posted at
I'm just happy mine is out of my bed... 🙄As a recommendation for the eventual transition: it helped transferring her that we made it fun and had her choosing as many things about the transition as we could.Even the things your little one can't choose, you can make them sound fun. The kid sized bed my daughter sleeps in has boards around the mattress and for some reason she loved them. The first time she checked it out I went around it and looked all over the bed with big eyes and my voice goes with wonder and I pointed out everything on the bed with my voice filled with wonder. It wasn't many things since it's a very boring bed, but it has tall headboard and sideboards so she wouldn't roll off of it and I liked that a lot. My two year old at the time was obsessed with the "fences" her bed had all around it, she hugged them (not joking, she really hugged her fences every day for a while) and she wanted to "sleep in it now, Mom, RIGHT NOW!"Also, a book we have features a girl who went shopping with her dad for a "big girl bed" so her crib (an adjustable one that "grows with your child") could be given to the baby her mother is expecting. The girl in the story chooses a bunk bed with a 31 cute and fun hiding space under and ladybug patterns on all of the outside surfaces of the bed. Well ever since we started reading that book, my daughter has been waiting for her very own "ladybug bed" so she could climb up to it and look down onto us or hide underneath it.


Liz • Aug 29, 2020
(also please excuse my half asleep typing 😅)


Liz • Aug 29, 2020
I really didn't want to have baby sleep in our bed because I had not known it could be done safely... But then I kept falling asleep during night feeding and she hated her crib. Eventually we just read up on how to do it safely and gave up...


Lu • Aug 28, 2020
Oh my gosh 😆 To funny! My kid never co-slept. I had always wanted to but my husband was a stickler on it. So many good points! Thank you!!


Posted at
I don't think you HAVE to. My daughter is still in one of those convertible cribs where you can take the front off so they can get in and out like a bed, and the size is perfectly fine for her, and she's not short (wouldn't call her TALL, but she's grown a bit recently and still fits fine). If your kid likes the crib, I wouldn't worry about it. If you want to move him, then do, but if everyone's happy, who cares what other kids are doing? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lu • Aug 28, 2020
True true! I was actually watching working mom on Netflix? I'm not sure if you have ever seen it, but their is an episode where her son goes to preschool and they make a big deal about him being still in a crib and all of a sudden I panicked 😅😅😅


Posted at
Is he potty trained yet? He’ll need to be able to get out of bed at night to use the toilet at some point in the near future. We never used a crib with my son. We did a bassinet until like 7 or 8 months and then he was in a floor bed in his room.


Kelsey • Aug 28, 2020
You’re welcome!


Lu • Aug 28, 2020
I think we may switch over soon. I am gonna do that alarm on the door 😆.


Lu • Aug 28, 2020
Hey thank you so much! This is all super helpful!


Posted at
Whatever works for you guys! We switched a while back because my son was climbing out lol he wasn’t night time potty trained either, he just eventually stopped peeing at night so we switched to underwear, nothing we did in particular. Also my son hasn’t ever gotten up to go to the bathroom at night. We limit liquids before bed and the last thing he does is pee before straight to bed. Hes never gotten up and roamed around either, i think mainly cause we are still up and will put him back to sleep lol so by the time we go to bed he’s in a deep sleep. That’s just my experience! Honestly it was a fairly easy transition but every one is different 🤷🏻‍♀️ I follow Busy Toddler on Instagram and she has a great blog post about transitioning to a big kid bed :)