Am I pregnant or just a odd menstrual month? TIA


So Tom(time of month) came early Sunday (3days early) but I was just spotting (didn’t have to wear anything. And first appearance was brown. Monday spotting wore a pad just to be clean but was light all day and not a consistent flow like a period and looked light red or pink and kinda like watery. Tuesday felt like it was a medium flow but not consistent like a period and had small clots and only lasted half a day. Wednesday light flow like Monday but I had major cramps for 15 mins I put heating pad on and took midol to help pain. Thursday was like Sunday non consistent spotting and Friday I only spotted one time.

The entire time I didn’t feel like Tom was here. No period symptoms.

Last two days I’ve felt I been moody for no good reason.

Anyone have any ideas? Everything I google says possibly pregnant.

Today I’m having what feels like a yeast infection.

I’ve been nauseous for 2 wks at least one time a day.

August 13 would of been the day that I could of got pregnant if that is the case. 🤞🏼

-I’m not sure where to post this. Sorry if it is tmi! I just would like advice. Thank you in advance.