Fling turning more serious???! Hopefully???


Okay so back story,

I was with my ex for five months and a girl he was with before me came clean because she’s close with my best friend (Karina) and I felt uncomfortable. To close the tension gap, Karina told me I need to talk with her about what they have done together so i can have my insecurities set aside.

Well, long story short some timelines didn’t add up and I was angry with him, not her. I broke it off after an extremely heat argument with him over the phone Karina’s house. So now there’s this guy....


I met him through Karina’s bf Andrew. Andrew, Matt and I all went to the same high school and I’ve known about Matt for awhile. Andrew and Matt were roommates when i first met him in Oct 2019 (now they all rent out a huge house) and the very first day I knew he was kind of interested, Karina could see it too.


We had a short lived fling in November 2019 until he started talking to his ex again without my knowledge. I dropped him for a long while. We had another fling in March then I started dating V up until August. Matt had no idea I was even in a relationship until that day he heard me crying at their house when I got into a feud with my ex and Karina was there as emotional support. Realistically, I always had a HUGE crush on Matt but I just never knew if he’d ever take me serious and I never had high expectations.

Matt overheard the whole thing and consoled me the next day by texting me early morning that “I’m too sweet and caring to have been mistreated the way i was and i deserve much better” and that he was sorry that I ever had to go through that. He invited me over for dinner with him that night and to watch movies/play video games which was sweet!! No we didn’t have sex if y’all are wondering. We started texting since then but this time he’s been more involved with me and I was really confused because he was never this communicative with me before. He was a little inconsistent in the beginning but this past week he’s been texting much more which is a shock.

I showed Karina some of our texts where he’d joke around, ask me personal questions and she giggled and told me that he’s always had a crush on me but she did say to not let my guard down since he went back to talking to his ex and i agree (which according to him he hasn’t talked to in a long time) 

Now the juicy detail. I slept over with him days after we started talking. Night one was no sex, but I noticed this behavior where he’d lay his hand on top of mine and hold it but not intertwining his fingers. Almost like he’s blanketing it. He gives me tons of kisses all around my face/lips especially when I’m falling asleep. he really enjoys cuddling me and being intimately close. He’s very romantic but I don’t associate it with it being a fling? Karina also told me his biggest thing in the past about his ex is that he couldn’t stand someone sleeping next to him because he doesn’t sleep well but he’s slept well next to me every night I have been over.

When we have sex, it’s waaay better than what it was the first go around. He usually finishes QUICK! Like five minutes quick. I never ever sucked him off the first few times! Recently I did and he enjoyed it of course! Abs the sex now is phenomenal! And even with sex, he’s still extremely loving afterwards. When we wake up in the morning, he kisses me awake, and has even offered to call out of work to spend a day at home with me (we obviously didn’t but the thought was nice lol).

Recently, he was at a friend’s party kind of drunk and kept apologizing because I was supposed to see him tonight and he’d be late to get home. I reassured him that i only wanted him to be safe. He told me he was going to be home at midnight and midnight sharp he asked me if I’d still like to come over...i was tired so I declined. He called me “love” several times in conversation which is a FIRST. Like “ I’m so sorry love...” and “i promise next time love” He’s not someone to use that as a typical term of endearment with anyone.

Context about him: he’s a “bro” kind of guy. Not emotional externally, hardworking, looks like a douche but is an actual sweetheart. I’ve asked both Karina and Andrew if this behavior was normal told me no, that they think he genuinely likes me

Ps: I’m really sleepy as I write this so I apologize for any mistakes I made in my post!!