Check in August 29th


Good morning everyone. Good luck to everyone waiting for their stimming, transfers, and beta results! Extra congratulations to the several women who got great news yesterday of high betas and even more exciting, good second betas!

Today, I have not so great

news. After we drove for about an hour, we got a call from our clinic letting us know that our embryo didn't make it so we weren't able to transfer today. I promised I'd show you all pictures though, so here are pictures of the shirts that I made. Maybe they can give all of you some inspiration. My husband doesn't want to wear them next time because he says they are bad luck now.

To prepare for my next round of

<a href="">IVF</a>

I am going to take lots of supplements to help hopefully make lots of healthy eggs. I also want to get my husband tested for DNA fragmentation and make sure he isn't a carrier for any major illnesses.

My heart is heavy. Part of me just wants to say screw it and go right to adoption. My husband says this cycle was unnecessarily extra stressful due to factors we were unaware of (covid testing, not knowing we were supposed to be prescribed more meds than we had...) but this was honestly probably the three most stressful weeks I've had in my whole life. I was an emotional wreck.

Sending lots of baby dust to all of you 💕