

Our little girl is nearly 3 and her language is worrying us

Our situation is kind of complicated

She’s mixed so she’s been going back and forth between country’s (korea and Australia) to see family and try have a good mixture of the exposure of both languages.

I personally think this is why shes behind on speaking to much mixing and not focusing on one,

Since covid she’s been kind of stuck in korean for about a year with his grandparents and Aunty’s looking after her, at one of her doctors appointments one doctor was worried and said that they think she had adhd because not speaking properly yet for her age

And now they’ve gone to another doctor and this one says she might have autism

I’m feeling so stressed being so far from her for so long and being told this as well as feeling these aren’t the right diagnosis for her (maybe I’m just in denial) but for me I don’t see her being slow in any other way then just speaking

She understands both languages, plays well with other kids at her daycare, I just don’t see any other signs personally.

Anyway just needed to rant

Stressed 30+ wks pregnant with our second

And yeah just needed to rant