First Pregnancy First Loss

Breezy🌻🌊 • Married 08-01-2020💍 Momma to an angel baby and a beautiful baby girl!

I had experienced light pink spotting for a few days the third day was light brown. Everyone told me it was normal. Wednesday 09-02-2020 I went to the ER because I started to bleed. I was so scared and people kept telling me that it’ll be ok, that this happened to them their pregnancy and that they’d pray for me. After waiting hours in the cold ER with my husband, being poked and prodded, pelvic exam, vaginal ultrasound, all the blood... the doctor came in to tell us we had lost our baby. I was almost 8 weeks measuring 5 weeks. We just got married August 1st and we were extremely excited and already loved our baby so much. I didn’t find out I was pregnant until August 21. We already told all our friends and family. Came up with a cute way to announce our first pregnancy. I was taking my prenatals, following the growth on a couple apps, and getting more and more excited every day. I even ordered cloth diapers and maternity clothes, made my registries, had nursery ideas and baby shower ideas pinned on Pinterest. I’m still getting diapers and clothes in the mail a little at a time. All to find out my baby has been gone since before I found out about him/her and I’ve been carrying my deceased baby for 3 weeks. Today marks day 7 of bleeding and I’m not sure if I’ve passed the remains yet.😔👼🏻