Half baked excuse🤦🏻‍♀️

Mez • +they/them+ If my name changes it’s just part of my identity crisis🙃

“Women are NOT equal to men. Obviously they are DIFFERENT. Equal means THE SAME and if you think they’re EQUAL you’re basically saying that MEN can GIVE BIRTH.”

First of all: 24÷2 and 3×4 These are different, but equal. Equal means of the same value (or quantity). If you’re going to act like a mathematician at least do it right.

Secondly, not all men are born with dicks, some actually can give birth. Either come up with a better explanation for your blatant sexism or stop being sexist.

If you truly believe that men and women have different value as a human based on what’s in their pants, I’d love to know why other than this^^^