Rude Roommate: What should I do?

Alright. I’m going to try and keep this short but if it drags on I am sorry!

So I recently moved out with a friend of mine. We have known each other on and off for a while (the on and off being due to us going to different schools, not necessarily because of any falling outs). I have always thought she was pretty cool, we got along, we liked similar stuff, etc., etc.

She has known me for a while, she’s been to my old house. My family was (when she knew us) very comfortable financially. I have always seen myself as being super lucky for all the support I get from my family. Her family was also very supportive and kind, and she constantly brings up how she lived in an apartment with her parents for part of her childhood. Okay. That’s fine.

Since we reconnected however, my parents have divorced (dad had total mental breakdown and is now a shell of a person) and money is not what it used to be. I’ve been super transparent about that. When I found a place to move out to, I had already found a secure job, was working 35 hours a week while taking online classes, and I paid my side of the deposit myself. Same with all the rent we’ve paid so far, same with PG&E, same with all other utilities.

But despite knowing all of this, and despite getting the same things paid for by family as I do (both of our families pay cell bill/help with car insurance), she is constantly making snide comments that insinuate that I am somehow getting special treatment or that she has just had a life of hard knocks and that I am just super lucky/must not work very hard. I mainly try to ignore them because I have always felt super lucky, but it’s starting to get to me. We are living in the same type of place, we can BOTH afford it (she currently works a job that actually pays better than mine), and despite the fact that we pay the exact same things, she acts like I’m

some sort of spoiled rich kid. We both shop at the same places, we pay for everything equally.

Most recently, she went to a party with a ton of people she didn’t know and has tested positive for COVID-19.

I am now in self quarantine and mentioned to her this morning that I had gone to get a test. She asked me how it had felt (she got one recently and had complained about how it hurt her nose and how she had to self administer it).

I said it had been fine.

She said (very accusatorily) “Well, you probably didn’t have to self administer it.” Implying I had gone somewhere... Nicer? To get my COVID test that I have to get because of her?

I said “No I did, it just didn’t hurt.” I WENT TO FREAKING CVS. SAME PLACE AS HER.

And she acted all surprised like I was coming back from some sort of fancy COVID clinic where I didn’t have to lift a finger.

Long story, I know, but I felt the need to give some background and one example. This isn’t me trying to be like “oh poor me I’m so rich.” Because in all honestly, I’m not.

I guess I just really need to know how to handle these comments. I don’t want to be an asshole, and maybe I AM being the asshole by getting annoyed?

But if I could get some advice on how to handle these rude comments/maybe bring it up to her, I would really appreciate it.

TLDR: Roommate thinks I am super rich and get special treatment and is super snide about it. I am not super rich. We get the same things paid for/the same support. May have also given me COVID. Haha. How do I stop the snide comments?