Undecided about being a mom


Hi guys. I found out last Friday that I was indeed pregnant through a at home pregnancy test. I suspected that I was pregnant about a day or two before taking the test since I was cramping with no period yet. I was 4 days late. I told the guy I was dealing with that I may be pregnant but I didn’t want to jump the gun. I finally took the test and called him immediately after taking it. He says that he’s going to be there for the child but he would like a dna test since years ago he found out that a baby wasn’t his. That kind of upset me because there is no need for a dna test. The date that he was with me lined up with my fertile week. I haven’t been with anyone else. He’s 100 percent the father. Part of me wants to keep the baby since I’m 25 now and I don’t want to wait and be a old mom. I’m not really dating around and who knows how long it’s going to be until I meet someone and get pregnant again. I also want to keep it every time I see a beautiful kid in person or online and I do believe that every thing happens for a reason.... Another part of me do not want the baby for many reasons. The bad out weighs the good. 1. The father told me that he doesn’t love me, he just “likes” me.. 2. He said he is undecided if he wants to be a family with me. Like not in a relationship. 3. He barely calls or texts me, but if I ask for money he’ll send it, on the dates he pay or he’ll buy/bring me food, he cuddles with me and kiss on me. 4. He offered to pay for my train ticket to him 5 HOURS AWAY! (drive but didn’t want to make the trip in my unpredictable car) We met at work while he was living close to me, then he moved 2 and a half hours away, now he’s 5 hours away as of a week and a half ago. 5. We barely know each other. We met in Dec. of 2017, didn’t start being intimate until August of 2018. We don’t know anything about each other because of him. He never wanted to be with me. We barely call it text each other and I just literally met a few family members in July. (Before I got pregnant) I tried to cut him off a few weeks before that but he was persistent that I unblock him and talk to him. We talked for hours. We NEVER talked that long before. After that is when he took me on our first date.. I’m sayin all that to say that I know that he is not the one for me. I don’t know why all of a sudden I’m pregnant by him. I’ve been sexually active for 10 years and 1 month and never got pregnant before. We never used a condom in the 2 years that we’ve been intimate. Maybe once or twice because I told him to.. I want to get advice and opinions from people before I go through with this abortion. I don’t want to end up regretting it. It’s my first baby. But it’s just with the wrong man. He says that he’ll be there for the baby but I don’t think he’ll be the dad that I want for my child. I think he’s going to suck and i will be the one doing the majority of the parenting. He’s been like this since I met him. I don’t think he’s going to change. I want to make sure I make the right decision. I know the universe works in mysterious ways and everything happens for a reason. But why now. And with him?? I always wanted better for myself and my child. I can’t have my child being raised by someone like him. I have so much more to say but I don’t want to take up too much time. What should I do??? Were you ever undecided? Did you keep the baby even though the guy didn’t want to be a family with you, or did you abort it?