Me and my friends with benefits decided to start dating after 3 years and it went well for about 2 months.

After a while he began asking me to change things and i tried my best to but the list was just too long so i ended up kind of yelling at him for it. Instead of understanding where i came from he said i wasn’t trying hard enough and he was the only one putting in work because he was coming to see me and I didn’t want him to meet my parents until we had been together for at least 3 months. I told him i didn’t want to because i didn’t want them to meet if he wasn’t serious about us being together.

After that happened things changed, he only came over for sex and would leave 5-10 minutes after and when I confronted him about it he said since i went with it i was treating him like a hoe?

He asked to go on a break 3 months in and when we were trying to figure things out said “i don’t know why i wasted my time with you” i got pissed and ignored him for it and he said i was being a bitch for not getting over it.

We ended up getting back together a month later but two days after we did I heard from a friend that he had been talking to a friend of hers and told her he hasn’t been in a relationship in a while and it was complicated.

I got into contact with the girl and told her about the situation and agreed there were no hard feelings since both of us were being lied too. I didn’t give him a chance to explain and just texted him “i guess you got what you wanted” and blocked him on everything

I was pretty beat up over it for a while and decided to unblock him on snapchat and found pending messages

Would it be bad that i want to friend him to see what he said? Im just worried that it was my message that is pending so its a 50/50 at this point.