Is this verbal abuse, or degrading? Or tough love?

Hello. I'm 18, just graduated high school this year. I have a boyfriend and i got together with him sophomore year, so we've been together for two years. But we've had problems ever since the beginning but the most prominent is recently...

My boyfriend calls me a loser, and lame.

I express anger when i fail, and he'll call me a loser for wanting to give up. He calls me lame when i have nothing to talk about, or can't carry a conversation. He gets pissed at me when i tell him decisions i make for myself. I bought a program (discounted), so it was less than 100$, and this program i was using to help better myself.

The program is for flexibility, and I've wanted to achieve higher goals on that field. Not only that, i wanted to impress him with it.

I tell him i bought the program, and he tells me it was a complete scam just because i found it on an Instagram ad. I told him, the information about the program is proven to have good results. He says i made a horrible financial decision, that I'm not going to commit to it, that i will not get results, and that if he doesn't see a difference in a month he's going to laugh in my face. And, he says if i come apologizing to him about being wrong, he will let me fall. He told me i could've watched videos on YouTube to get the results i wanted, but I've tried it. I wanted become instruction. He said YouTube is free, but i don't care. I took a risk buying it and i genuinely think it will help me. But he's doubting me in almost a degrading way. He thinks I'm gullible, and that I'm spending my money carelessly. Which i don't; all the money i have is from saving, and i barely spend my money on anything except food.

And about carrying on a conversation: I would talk about things that i like to do, or stuff that i have done, my interests, and he would shrug it off. Or he'll get bored about me talking about it. Or he'll straight up tell me, your life is lame, I'm lame, your life is so boring. And he thinks I'm complaining about everything when I'm just expressing how i feel about a situation. I can't win.

Whenever his friends are around, and they hear us argue, they obviously back him up. To the point where they think I'm an annoying bitch, that all i do is complain. And they ALL laugh if off, telling him he doesn't need me, don't let her make you a simp" ... like what the fuck... i can't even defend or talk to him about anything. He either shuts me out or down.

I am easily mentally hurt by him, and I've changed myself so much to suit his immature needs. But i feel he hasn't changed for me at all. When it comes to serious matters between us he tells me that he hates talking and completely avoids it... i can't express anything to him. I have experience with him, that if i do, he will become so pissed... it this because he wants control over me? Is he still immature and can't handle talking situations? Do i even push it? Again, we've only been together 2 years... we've graduated high school this year. We got together sophomore year. Even then he was immature and got pissed at petty things... i just need people's advice. I'm sorry this was so long.

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