One sided wish for a baby

My husband and I have been married for 8 years. We've 3 kids together and for the past 2 years I've wanted another baby so badly. I accepted it wasn't the right time 2 years ago and we agreed to talk about it again past December. We talked and he found a new excuse to wait until march. (That's when our youngest has her birthday). So we waited again, then the pandemic came along. Another excuse to wait.

Who knows how long this is going to stay? Do I have to wait another year? But even then he recently said that we wouldn't be able to do all the things we want when we have one more child. So now he's saying money is an issue (which it isn't. It would just mean we couldn't go to two lavish holidays a year and have to drop it down to one boohoo).

I feel increasingly depressed by this feeling of wanting pregnancy and another child so much but knowing it's not happening any time soon if at all.

Last time I wrote in this group, people were telling me to divorce 🤦🏻‍♀️ obviously I'm not gonna divorce my husband just because he doesn't want a baby. What am I doing then? Looking for a new man who'll take me with three kids and give me just one more?😆 Throw away 8 years of marriage because of this?

Of course not. I don't want these kind of messages. I just want to vent and maybe have other women in similar situation vent with me.

And please don't say "you already have three, be grateful because others don't have any kids". Just because I want one more doesn't mean I don't appreciate what I have!