
So my boyfriend is upset with me because I won’t post him on social media. I’ve never been the type of person to flaunt my relationship like that and also I just don’t want to look stupid. In the past I’ve gotten excited and jumped the gun and used to post my past boyfriends and it always led to embarrassment when I had to delete all our photos and have a whole bunch of people ask questions and bring it up constantly. My boyfriend post me all the time and he wants me to post him back but I don’t want to. I could post him on my Instagram story or my Snapchat story but I don’t want to actually post him on my page. I really do care about him and I love him and everybody knows were in a relationship and everyone knows that I’m taken I just don’t want to post him yet because our relationship is still new. We have only been dating for a little over six months now and we are both only 19. I’m not exactly sure how to address this issue but I don’t know what to say to him