I don’t know what to do about sleep HELP!!


We’ve had so much problems trying to get our daughter to sleep since we transitioned out off the side sleeper we used. She was in it til about 4 months she was a premie so she still fit in it pretty well. Our crib didn’t fit in our room unless we completely took it apart and it was a pain in the ass to put together so we didn’t want to do that. I didn’t want her to sleep in her own room in her crib yet at 4 months for several reasons, my own anxiety of being a FTM, we are currently renting and little did we know the landlord didn’t insulate her room at the time we rented. So what we ended up doing was using a pack in play in our room for her to sleep in. I’ve been rocking her to sleep for months. I just now tried to start sleep train her or the CIO I’m not really sure of the difference, I wasn’t told when to start. She’ll be 11 months this month. I’ll put her down for naps in the pack in play, I’ve tried to put her in her crib that’s in her room but she freaks the heck out, also that room is completely different than any other room in our house (our ceilings our wood, her ceiling is just white) my problem is she wakes up several times in the middle goof the night and the only way I can get her to go back to sleep is if I rock her and I’m up for 30 mins to several hours trying to get her to back to sleep. I can’t just put her down because she cries and whines in the room with me and her dad. It’s to the point where I’m back to only getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night and I need to go back to work.