Mil πŸ™„πŸ˜‚

Background: mil didn't see our baby for 4 months due to Covid. Hubs talked to her about his fussy temperament and how that was challenging for him. Thinking she'd understand as he was a challenging baby too. When we could see each other again she cornered me alone and told me how I have no idea how hard it could be, hubs was a difficult baby and mine isn't actually πŸ™ƒ

So since then every week she's come to visit (for 3 months) he has a fussy period (in general his temperament has improved which we've told her but he still has a fussy time of day) and every week she goes on about "oh you must be getting sick. I KNOW this isn't what you're really like! Yes I know this isn't normal for you.... Something has to be wrong. You're never like this" every.single.visit πŸ™ƒ

At first it drove me batty, but at this point I just laugh πŸ˜… she just a stubborn woman