I’m not being honest with my psychiatrist

Ok so I go to a psychiatrist which is a nurse practitioner and she prescribes all my medicine , I’m currently on an injection that lasts 3 months for psychosis . I have auditory and visual hallucinations, major depression disorder , and anxiety and usually end up inpatient whenever I’m off my meds . So ive been going to my ob/gyn and I expressed to him I’m trying to get pregnant (I never expressed this to my psychiatrist) and that I take antipsychotics so I’ve been on meds to bring my hormone levels down caused by the antipsychotics my psychiatrist prescribed and started actively trying . I just got another injection Thursday (it lasts 3 months) and I found out I’m pregnant Friday . I talked to my psychiatrist today and she asked if I wanted to be on birth control and I said no , I didn’t tell her I think I’m pregnant because I’ve always feared shed be mean and judge me for having mental issues and wanting to have a baby and also I was scared she would just stop my meds and I really don’t want to go back to the mental state I was in . So I haven’t been being honest with her I talked to her today and she said that it would be very bad if I find out I’m pregnant after getting the injection and that the baby could have birth defects and now I’m scared and idk what to do as the medicine lasts 3 months in my body . Any advice is welcome . I plan to call her Wednesday after my ob/gyn appointment when they confirm the pregnancy.