I have a phobia of driving

I'm 30 years old.. and I feel like I failed. I feel like I failed at being an adult. Something so simple scares the hell out of me. The fear of what if I hurt someone what if I hurt someone I love well driving. The fear of crashing. I am 30 years old and I just can't push myself to drive. I depend on people taking me to the doctor, grocery stores etc. All because of this stupid fear I have. Idk where I am going with this post but its been bothering me lately and I had no one to talk to. If any of you out there have any advice to overcome this extreme fear I have would be much appreciated. I am just at a loss. I have tried driving classes the instructor eventually bailed on me. I have tried learning to drive with friends and that is not very helpful. Everytime I am behind the wheel I shake and feel like I am about to have a heart attack. Its that severe.